Guest Policy

One of the cooler features of Ace Makerspace membership is unlimited guest privileges! With great power comes great responsibility.

Requirements for Guests

Hosting Individual Guests

  • Your guests are your responsibility
  • You must be on site with your guests at all times… no loaning out of keys
  • Your guests must sign the liability waiver before using anything, including the wifi
  • You are responsible for paying any fees your guests incur, etc.
  • You are responsible for the behavior of your guests… they need to mind the social contract just like members
  • Your guest must be certified to use any equipment requiring it. Your certifications are not transferable.

Kids and babies at Ace

  • Kids (minors) in the space need to be accompanied by a responsible adult member at all times. Each child will need complete youth guest paperwork signed by a parent or guardian on file. This space is not set up for very young children or dogs to be in the workshop or metal shops.  If the child in question is not tall enough to reach the work surface or work surface tools, they are too young to use that specific workspace.
  • Please be aware that very young children and babies should also not be in laser or shops for prolonged periods of time as the audio load of the machines can be harmful to new ears.

Hosting A Large Group of Guests

You are welcome to use the Ace space and facilities to host relevant events… A Maker Birthday Party! A tech group meeting! An Alumni Mixer! A Build Night!

But you have some responsibilities when you do so.

  • Your guests complete Guest Accounts to use anything at Ace… this includes the wifi.
  • You must post your activity to the Ace Calendar. If you need help doing that contact an officer.
  • You will need to restore any area you use back to functionality. Examples: Put the tables and chairs away in the classroom. Clean all the whiteboards. Put the chairs back where they belong in the co-working space.
  • You will need to clean up after your guests. If for any reason you cannot clean up right away, make sure you post a note to discuss or the Ace Slack team and let us know when you will be back in to take care of the mess.
  • You will need to chip in for any consumables you are using like cups, napkins, resistors, etc.
  • You are responsible for your group following the social contract at Ace

Looking to Make Money from your Class/Event?

Please contact [email protected] in order to book your event. Ace gets a 10%-20% cut and will need to partner with you to work out details.

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