AMT130 Shop Exhaust Fan

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New documentation needed documenting the new configuration for laser as of Jan 2020

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Maintenance: The exhaust fan filter should be cleaned or replaced monthly. Steps for maintenance:

  • Get the lightweight ladder from the cleaning supplies corner upstairs, as well as a bottle of cleaner and paper towels (or a cloth) from the cleaning supplies cabinet.
  • Gently remove the filter from the fan (if the filter is in good condition, you may not need to un-tape it entirely, only the top three edges). It will rain sawdust all over you.
  • Assess the condition of the filter. If it looks done, get a new filter and cut to the appropriate size and add tape. Extra filters are on the storage shelves in Laser or the Supply Closet. If it looks reusable, get the shop vac and gently clean the dust from the various layers.
  • Spray and wipe down the surface of the exhaust fan (if you do not, the dust will cause the tape to not adhere, and then the filter will fall down 2 days later).
  • Tape the filter in place, adding more tape if necessary.
  • Log maintenance. (Example: Up – filters cleaned on DD/YY)

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